April 19, 2010

New Blog Bite!

Will be closing this acount as of Friday, April 30th, 2010.

Please follow me over to our new home at Wordpress!

The address is conveniently listed below!


Hope to see you there! :0)>

April 16, 2010

I'm Ova Here Now! :0)>

I have moved my blog to Wordpress! I hope you'll follow me over there!


Looking forward to seeing you in my new Hood!

Until then...smooches to da peoplz n da poochez :0)>

April 14, 2010

Sancho Was Here :0)>

Just a few of my favorite places to leave my calling card!

If its a good long walk I'm may hit'em all!

We're establishing a point system and some rules to keep it interesting!

Shrubs 1 point
Lamp post 3 points
Traffic cones 5 points
Fire Hydrant 7 points
Tires 9 points
Grand Total of 25 points possible
I'm pushing for 5 Bonus Style points (wish me luck)

The higher points assigned to the targets hardest to hit (have to be quick before I get pulled away!)

So far the only rules are:
be quick, rotate favorite spots and don't pee in front of a house or on tires when people are outside!

April 9, 2010

Bath time at Bathe R Doggie

Not all dogs hate baths! I love getting a bath at Bathe R Doggie! The owners are very nice people, Michael is my favorite! Bathe R Doggie is a Full Service/Self Service pet grooming business that helps my people keep me clean and saves our plumbing from dog hair clusters!

Its very clean and they make sure all dogs are hook into their tubs for safety! The best part is the mixed temperature water, not too hot or cold, just right for me n my people! Below I'm in the corner all wet and soaped up, this is before we do the scrubbing and lathering!

When we come in I am usually what Michael likes to call old white t-shirt color BOL:0)> He gets me shampoo for white dogs so I can get all clean, bright n spiffy looking again! That's me with the dryer, not my favorite part but it gets the job done!

Here I am below, all clean, white n perty! After two body shampoos,
ears n face scrub, and tons of shaking off! We really gotta get some sudsy pictures next time!

Below we are almost ready to go! Saying bye bye to my buddy Michael!

Oh yeah, below you can see the ramp to walk up into and out of the tub so no one has to lift me! I like that part, cause getting in and out of the car is enough!

Below, ready for my close-up! Hey Ladies! How you doin? Woof :0)>

We wanted to do this blog post for our Bathe R Doggie friends because they provide an important service to the dog community and they are a small business we want to continue to see thrive! Next up we are going to help get @batheRdoggie up and running on twitter, so their customers can follow them and learn about their specials and things they are doing in the community! www.batherdoggie.com

Maybe you have groomers, services and dog friends in your areas who would enjoy a blog post as well! :0)>

March 30, 2010

The Story of Peas n Carrots :0)>

(Not Sancho, just fit the color scheme and theme)

Momma had found a reputable breeder and made the appointment to come see my brudda, sista and me when we were 5 weeks old!

She had always heard the best way to find your perfect puppy is to sit in the middle of the floor with all the puppies and see which one interacts with you the most! That's exactly what she did!

When she sat down, I just knew she was going to be my momma! I crawled in her lap, got real comfortable, licked her hands and started knawing on her leather watch band! I knew I had to get them both involved to seal the deal, so I would pop out occassionally to knaw on the bottom of her mail friends pant legs! My brudda and sista were somewhat playful, but they weren't as committed to the plan as I was. Brother only liked shoelaces and sista only like mommas male friend.

By the time they left an hour or so later, I had a new name and a new home to go to in four weeks!

When she came to get me, da breeder told her I was going to cry alot because I would miss my birth momma, but dat didn't happen! From da minute we got in da door, momma showed me around my new home and then sat in her comfy chair with a towel and me on her lap for two hours! When it was time to go to bed, she slept on da floor next to my crate so I wouldn't be frightened when I woke up in this new place (every hour it seems).

Together we've been thru ups n down, good and bad and always had each other! Momma n me go together like peas n carrots! It was like that from the moment we met!:0)>

March 24, 2010

Watch Your Language!

Not sure if your like us, but when someone says they don't like dogs, there are no shades of grey! We don't trust them and we think they're serial killers, bol :0)>

Barring a traumatic incident, what's not to like about dogs? You don't like how they brighten your day with just one look? You don't like that adorable quisical look they give when you introduce a new squeaky toy? You don't like a living being that just wants to be with you and love you unconditionally?

Q: What's wrong here?

A: It could be as simple as the language!

If we really listen, most people are saying they don't like the consistent effort they have to make with dogs as opposed to cats or other pets! They don't want to rush home to walk them, they don't want to board or find sitters for weekend getaways, they don't want to scoop the poop, in short what they don't like is the acknowledged resposibility it takes to maintain a thriving and happy dog!

Quick fix, change the statement! Instead of I don't like dogs, maybe say what specific thing your not keen on, like, I just don't want the responsibility of a dog right now, or I need to grow up and take care of myself before I can take care of a dog! At least your statement is more palitable to dog lovers like us, and your not branded a serial killer! Bol :0)>

March 23, 2010

Dog Tech...Savvy (sa-vee)?

Technology has gone to the dogs for real!

Cut off from civilization last night(phone battery died, charger cord frayed), I had a moment to consider all the things we do in the name of our beloved pooches!

Sancho has a Twitter account to which I post comments and occasionally add pictures or video uploaded from twitpic, flickr and vidly (formerly twitvid). Apparently I could hook him up to PetFeed to comment/follow/post as well.

His twitter feed is linked to his Dogbook profile which is tied into my facebook profile. Sancho has found his voice, and is on the verge of requiring his very own Facebook profile, for privacy etc. BOL!

I am able to do most of this in quick blurts from my pc at work, but will jump on my Blackberry in the evening after we've had dinner and done our walk, just to see what his anipals are up to.

I've noticed many of his anipals are updating their twitter feeds from their persons iphone using mobile variations of twitter like tweetdeck, ubertwitter, hootesuite, twitterrific, socialOomph etc. For the over achievers, there's the dog blogs on Blogspot and Wordpress and others which can also be created edited and viewed from netbooks, ibooks, iphone, android and blackberry.

In the interest of streamlining and keeping everything simple, easy and fun loving, the next step is clearly the ipad! Considering all the things we're doing to keep our pooches profiles social, and in the mix, its the least we can do!

I sure hope Sancho appreciates all this technology! BOL :0)>

March 19, 2010

Why Dog People Rule :0)>

Dog people understand "If your dog doesn't like someone, you probably shouldn't either".
Dog people love us unconditionally and are more sensitive to others needs than their own.
Dog people walk us in da rain, heat, hale and snow.
Dog people don't mind looking silly when they talk to us.
When we tear up the stuff they just purchased, dog people go get more stuff.
Dog people take us for rides in da car and laugh when we slobber and snort on da windows.
When we're sick dog people go bankrupt to make us better.
Dog people work hard as social secretaries to make sure we have friends.
Dog people include us in family gatherings and holiday festivities!
Dog people give us people food samples, while telling you they shouldn't be doing it.
Dog people love the lived in, homey feeling that only dog hair dustbunnies can provide.
Dog people help dogs that don't have forever homes find them.
Dog people make the really tough decisions when its time and send us off knowing we are loved and cherished.

Just some of the many reasons dog people rule...most apply to cat people too! :0)>

March 8, 2010

Cities Doing the Right Thing!

I always loved working here!!

Love this city even more for making it easier for us all to do the right thing!!

Scoop the Poop...No Excuses!!

Operations: Doggie Walk Bag Dispensers

Doggie Walk Bag Dispensers have been installed in six new locations throughout Old Pasadena. Picking up after our four-legged friends is part of being a responsible pet owner. In addition, the Pasadena Municipal Code requires that you clean up after your dog within five minutes, whether your pooch leaves their "business" on public or private property. So as a service to our residents and visitors, Old Pasadena Management District has installed dispensers, throughout the District, which provide pet owners with (biodegradable) bags to retrieve and dispose of pet droppings.

March 3, 2010

Creature Comforts

If I do all my tricks and pretend to listen to dem...Yummy in my tummy!

Love to get brushed after walking! Removes extra hair and massages me too!

First breakfast...its so good! Gotta watch my weight cause my hips not so hot!


Bag Balm keeps my nose looking moist and it tastes good too!

These are all the things that keep me going and let me know that I am super loved! :0)>

February 23, 2010

Reading the Paper

I used to be jealous of the LA Times!

It was this thing that commanded my peoples attention every morning, like eating, bathing and getting dressed!

To make matters worse, when my people were reading the Times, I couldn't see anybody and work them over for eggs and toast points! In short the Times was cutting into my second breakfast efforts and taking up my face time!

But now I get it! They read their paper to be informed of the world around them, just like I do when we go for our walks!

The curbs, the bushes, the shrubs, the ivy, the trashcans, the palm fronds, the lampposts and even the Christmas trees...these are all my daily paper! Throughout the year, they tell me who's been out recently, who gets walked, who I might run into, who's new in the neighborhood and who might want a little bully company!

Yup the daily paper is a must! Everybody should read up! :0)>

February 18, 2010

Dog Day Afternoons

We are so lucky to be able to come to work with our people! Here are a few of my work friends!

Hi, I'm Sancho, an English Bulldog, I will be your host...

That's my friend Bubba the Boston. When he's in the office he greets everyone who visits his person's office.

Next to him we have Maggie a Pitbull/Boxer and Lacey a Teacup Chuwawa, they even have their own chairs! Maggie won most likely to brighten up a bad day at our office holiday party 2009! I think she may sweep this year too!

The premium pup in the corner is Foo Foo a Maltese! Boy is she high end with her Juicy Sweatshirt and LV collar! Mom calls her puddles cause...well you know...the other picture is puddles leaving moms office!

That's it for today, hope you enjoyed meeting my office crew!

February 17, 2010

Tomatoes and Wax

Out for a walk in the neighborhood

Came across this sign...hmmm

Strange combination yes?

I'll take licking my nose and butt anyday!

At least I know where they've been...BOL ;0)>

February 16, 2010

Up and Running!

This is my very own spot to follow all my dog and animal friends!

When I'm feeling clever, I may post a few things myself!

Until then...kick back, eat some treats and enjoy my Dog Blog Roll!

Oh yeah, feel free to drop any snacks, clean up is free in The Bully Pen :0)>
